The Expertek team wrapped up a busy month of March with four days in Phoenix at TUG Connects 2018, the annual meeting for users of Infor Distribution software. It's our favorite conference because it always shines a spotlight on the most important issues, trends, and opportunities in the distribution industry.
We can always count on lively, insightful conversations with the attendees we meet. Here's what I took away from the conference:
Takeaway #1: Cloudy, with a (very, very good) chance of savings
Whether in formal breakout sessions or in casual conversations, it was clear that the migration to Cloud-based technologies is in high gear, and for most distributors there's no going back. I would even venture to say that the number of companies NOT looking at cloud adoption for at least some of their technology comprises a distinct minority.
There are a half-dozen compelling reasons to put your distribution ERP software in the Cloud. But — surprise, surprise — the most compelling is lower costs. And as I've discussed in this blog, lower costs go straight to your bottom line. For distributors, cutting costs is the fastest way to increased profits.
Takeaway #2: Disruption puts distributors on the defensive.
We didn't have to travel to Phoenix to know that the distribution industry is undergoing significant disruption. The Internet has been the principal driver of this phenomenon. When customers can shop for what they need, find the best price and the fastest shipping, and place orders at their convenience—24/7—that's a clear and present threat to the survival of your distribution business.
Some distributors are turning to consolidation in order to survive. Others are innovating their technology and operations to boost sales, operational efficiency and customer service. And more and more distributors are hybridizing their businesses, using eCommerce to open their doors to more B2C business. I can't say which option is best for your business, but I CAN say confidently that distributors can't do nothing and expect to survive.
Download the exclusive "Innovation in Distribution 2018" survey report
Takeaway #3: Meanwhile, over at Booth 11...
If you follow this blog, then you know that Expertek brought three new distribution software innovations to TUG Connects. The one that had sparked the most conversations at our booth was our integration of Starship software with Infor SX.e.
Functionally rich, StarShip is widely regarded as the best value in shipping software for small-to-medium-sized distributors. And the integration we've engineered with SX.e is super-tight, to brings unparalleled efficiency to your shipping AND unprecedented cost management to your business. Learn more about our StarShip integration. (And be sure to check out our other new innovations for field sales and eCommerce.)

How are YOU innovating to grow your business?
On the first morning of TUG Connects I was privileged to present the findings of the "Innovation in Distribution" survey that we conducted in late 2017. If you haven't yet read it, you can download the report here. Questions about what you see? Feel free to reach out to me anytime.